
Igor: I found some great friendships

Igor Lecci from Switzerland has been loyal to our tournament for more than 20 years. He met hundreds of people and friends during our tournament and also his wife. How does he see our tournament from the participant’s view?

Do you remember your first tournament? When was it and how was it?
I remember it like it was yesterday, even though more than 20 years have passed. 😊 It was June 2003, almost by chance we found on the internet (thanks to our historical captain Bjarne) information about the tournament.

In a couple of days we found the traveling companions for this first experience. It was still a very “intimate” tournament; only 8 teams all together on the same fields (in those years the 11-a-side tournament was still played but we were not physically ready so we chose the 7-a-side tournament 😊).

I played only a few minutes, without a jersey, the official ones were too SLIM for me (laugh), I keep a wonderful memory of the first tournament, the atmosphere between the teams and the care of the organizers for all details and how they spoiled us in every aspect. In the end we came in fifth place (out of 8 teams); perhaps the best result ever. (laugh)

Why did you decide to come back and you are coming back all these years?
The first few years it was just for fun; with friends we would take the opportunity to disconnect from our daily business and spend 4 days together. As time went by I fell in love with the city, beautiful, fascinating and mysterious. Prague is magical.

I established friendships and contacts in Prague with people I now visit with pleasure and the Barrel Tournament has become like a second family to visit 2-3 times a year to see that everything is going well.

I met many people from the organization and had fun and special times with them that I cherish in my memories; who can say they ran out of gas during rush hour in front of the National Museum? (Sofie, does it ring a bell?? 😃)

You are the only participant who attended all three tournaments – football, ice hockey and bowling. Can you tell the differences?
Yes, with the 2024 tournaments I arrived at 33 (22 football, 6  ice hockey and 5 bowling). Initially I was dedicated exclusively to football; then I received an invitation from friends of the Wild Boars as a chaperone at the Hockey tournament and with pleasure I discovered this “world” as well; after this experience I could not hesitate to try bowling as well and, again, it was a very pleasant surprise.

Over the years the biggest differences are in the environment that is created during the tournament and in the parts of “sociability” and conviviality; in football, as partly in ice hockey, there are strong rivalries even off the field; in bowling, on the other hand, I discovered an extremely sociable, family-like environment of sharing and friendship. I met people (of different “generations”) who were nice and with whom a good friendship was established. Looking forward to the darts and beach volleyball tournaments, I am ready. (laugh)

Which one do you like the best?
I would answer football right away, but the truth is that in the last few years I’m getting more and more captivated by the bowling tournament. The environment, the friendship, the sharing that there is in this tournament is unique.

You have made a lot of friends during the years, the special bond you have with Tibban from Sweden… Are you visiting some of your friends also outside of the tournaments?

I am now an acquired Swede (although I don’t have the typical nordic features 😃); I have met many people and established special relationships that go beyond the tournament; especially with my friends from Copsperr, a very unique and special group. I visited them in Stockholm and it was spectacular.

With Tibban (Tommy Tibblin), on the other hand, something was created that goes beyond just knowing him; I felt a strong connection and friendship with him right away; he is a genuine, pure person who can give so much to people, he is full of energy and I really see him as “a brother from another mother” 😊. I had the pleasure of surprising him on the occasion of his 50th birthday by going to the party directly in Stockholm, where I was able to sing in Swedish with my friends from Koyote Kates.

Definitely also in the organization of the tournament I found unique and special people, always with a smile and ready to welcome you with open arms; you are special ❤.

If you could change something about the tournaments, what would it be?
From an organizational point of view it is difficult to give “constructive” feedback; over the years the locations, the restaurants, and final parties have changed. But you have always done an outstanding job. 😊

Maybe if you would be able to change the approach of all participants, keeping 100% the goliardic spirit of the tournament; it’s nicer to challenge each other with a smile on your face and a nice toast before and after the games.

What is the highlight of the tournament for you?
For me there are 2 highlights; the opening night, when we all see each other again after 1 year and can hug each other again, toasting together and then the final party; the moment when we all come together again to celebrate successes (personal, of the team, on and off the playing fields). It is a moment in which, even with a hint of melancholy, we review the photos of the days spent together and embrace each other already thinking about next year when we will all see each other again to spend time together having fun; this makes the evening special and this sort of “goodbye” a little sweeter. 😊

You have found your soulmate thanks to our tournaments, you have married her and you have two kids. How did you meet her?
Hana (my wife) was our hostess in 2004 and 2005; we had a very good relationship of friendship and mutual respect from the beginning. Over the years I kept in touch with her, and whenever I came to Prague for tournaments or on vacation, I invited her for a drink and to chat and find out how she was doing. In 2014, discussing life in general, she told me that she wanted to change her life and would like to come to Switzerland to try to make this change; I invited her on vacation to my place to discuss it and show her the location and where she could move. At that time in June 2014, I clearly understood that I had strong feelings for her, so I proposed to her to come and live with me (this was November 2014), and as she finds a job and her independence, she could then decide how to continue her life in Switzerland.

It ended up that 1 year later we were already married and expecting our first child Christopher; 1 and 1/2 years later Anastasia also arrived to complete the family. This story is also the magic of the Barrel Tournament; this has strengthened the connection with the Tournament and the city of Prague. 😊

For sure you participated also in some other tournaments, how is our special?
Here and there a few tournaments we have done; there are no comparisons. I personally believe that the environment created at the Barrel tournament is something unique and exceptional. The organization is always present and on time, the moments of sharing, the beauty of the city and the festive environment are hard to replicate. And then let’s not forget about the beer, let’s be honest, Czech beer is among the best in the world. (laugh)

What is the secret in winning Beer King?
Although my talents have been extolled many times, I might disappoint you by telling you that in truth I have only won it only one time 😃 (I have collected a lot of second places unfortunately).

The first success was just this year at the Bowling tournament; so after more than 20 years.
The secret is all in the motto “insist, endure, achieve and conquer”; so in persevering and training hard all year round, leaving nothing to chance. It takes perseverance and lots of training. (laugh)

What is the moment you will forever remember from tournaments?
I have experienced so many of them that I should think of writing a book about it; some good stories would come out of it. (laugh) But if I have to choose one, surely it is my first meeting with Sofie (Sofie you know 😃); it is a moment that, although tragicomic, was the beginning of a special bond and a strong and true Friendship. Sofie is that person who even from a distance knows how to be closer to you than many others. She is a special person.